
Yes….We did it!

Nation erupts in joy as Dubai clinches right to host World Expo 2020; leaders extend congratulations;educational institutions get a day off to celebrate.

IT IS SAID TO truly comprehend the significance of a defining moment one must take a step back and watch it from a distance. That experience is akin to watching a play from backstage with an impartial but highly attuned eye and ear for each nuance as it unfolds.Today, as the UAE celebrates Dubai’s successful bid to host World Expo 2020, perhaps
it is befitting to take a step back in time to gain a true perspective of what the city’s win signifies.Dubai, indeed, is now entering a brand-new realm of growth with the successful bid. More than $8.1 billion will be invested in building new
infrastructure, and some 25 million tourists,nearly 70 per cent of them international visitors, are expected during the six months of World Expo 2020.