
  • Horse Power


Notwithstanding the slight drizzle on Monday, the horses and training jockeys were seen enduring their workouts into the early morning hours on Tuesday, as the sun began to resurface at the Meydan Racecourse. Khaleej Times photographer Shihab captures the build-up to the Dubai World Cup

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  • Tunis travelogue

Tunis travelogue

A journey through Tunis Photographer: Shihab ROAD TO TUNIS : Ater the revolution overthrew President Ben Ali, Tunisa looks as people return to their daily mundane lives with nothing left to fight for;no protest left for uphold. The road from Zarzis to Tunis is long and languorous. As somnolence takes over, tired eyes struggle to […]

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  • Bull fight


Bull fight- photo feature Proving their METTLE! The most appealing and unique aspect about the bullfight that happensin Fujairah is that there is no bloodshed. Every Friday, a crowd gathers around a ring at the corniche near the beach to watch the fight. It is part of tradition as well as a source of entertainment […]

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